Canada MLT Coffee Chat Videos
On this page you will find the videos of the current and past Canada MLT Coffee Chats, along with the topics of discussions and any corresponding links/files.
Due to privacy issues, please do not share the link to this page with others who are not registered for the Canada MLT Coffee Chats. If you would like someone to be added to the list, please feel free to send an email to [email protected] to have them added to the list.
Due to privacy issues, please do not share the link to this page with others who are not registered for the Canada MLT Coffee Chats. If you would like someone to be added to the list, please feel free to send an email to [email protected] to have them added to the list.
Coffee Chat - October 2023 - June 2024
Coffee Chats will be held on the 3rd Friday of each month. Please note that the topic for each date is tentative, we may push a topic back if a workshop happens on one of our regularly scheduled Fridays. If you have a topic you would like discussed, please feel free to let me know. Coffee Chats take place over ZOOM.
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET - ON
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. CT - MB 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. MT - AB and SK* (SK members we’ll be meeting at 9:30 starting in November) 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. PT - BC *For Sask Residents, please note that when the time changes in November we'll be meeting at 9:30 a.m. When the time changes in March, we'll be meeting at MTN time - 8:30 a.m. |
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - May 17, 2024
The discussion was based on the following questions:
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - April 19, 2024
General Discussion and Questions a few of the topics:
Links to Canons that Suzanne mentioned from Rote Repertoire: Note: I'm looking for someone to host the next coffee chat on May 17. We'll be able to use my ZOOM account and I"ll be able to start the meeting, but will need someone to moderate the meeting. If you're interested in this let me know. |
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - March 22, 2024
Building a Musical Technique: Building a musical technique with students based on an audiation approach. |
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - February 16, 2024 - Part 2
Enhancements & Enrichments Beyond the Page: Discussion concentrated on MMFP Keyalities and Tonalities and Book 2 & 3 Enhancements and Enrichments that we give our students beyond what is on the page. We’ll use the last question from the last coffee chat as the segue into this week's discussion. The question was, "When you review units, what do you review?" What do you bring to the songs/pieces/repertoire that you didn’t do before? This can range from LSAs (Pattern Instruction) to pieces that you teach and how we can expand upon the simple folksongs and Christmas carols we teach our students to strengthen their Audiation, skills, and musicianship. Do you do mashups? If so, which are your students favourite? Feel free to bring any suggestions to the discussion. |
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - January 19, 2024
Enhancements & Enrichments Beyond the Page: Discussion concentrated on MMFP Keyboard Games and Book 1 Enhancements and Enrichments that we give our students beyond what is on the page. We’ll use the last question from the last coffee chat as the segue into this week's discussion. The question was, "When you review units, what do you review?" What do you bring to the songs/pieces/repertoire that you didn’t do before? This can range from LSAs (Pattern Instruction) to pieces that you teach and how we can expand upon the simple folksongs and Christmas carols we teach our students to strengthen their Audiation, skills, and musicianship. Do you do mashups? If so, which are your students favourite? Feel free to bring any suggestions to the discussion. |
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - December 15, 2023
Questions: Discussion on various questions asked. A sample of some of the questions (with approximate time stamp):
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - November 17, 2023
Digging Into Technique: Many of us are used to the RCM technique requirements that we ourselves have learned and have taught. In MMFP, the technique we focus on begins slightly different, with TDT cadence, TDT arpeggios . . . To me, it seems that MMFP focuses on the practical and functional (applied) aspects: TDT cadence & arpeggios while RCM focuses on categories of basic theoretical understanding of concepts: Scales, triads, 4-note chords, octaves, etc.
RCM/CC/CNCM Ear training and sight reading - how can we approach these with a sequenced MLT approach? |
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - October 20, 2023
Discussion on "Digging into Technique::
LInks shared during discussion (these will open in a new window):
Files shared during discussion:
Coffee Chats: October 2022 - June 2023
- September 23, 2022 - General Discussion
- October 21, 2022 - Improvisation
- November 25, 2022 - Supplemental pieces
- December 16, 2022 - Teaching Unfamiliar Music
- January 20, 2023 - MLT, Festivals, Competitions & Exams
- February 17, 2023 - Supplemental Repertoire & Adaptations
- March 17, 2023 - Series of Questions
- April 21, 2023 - Symbolic Association & Reading
- May 19, 2023
- June 16, 2023
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - June 16, 2023
Discussion on Running an MLT Studio:
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - May 19, 2023
Topic: Running an MLT Studio Discussion for this video includes:
This discussion will continue in June. |
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - April 21, 2023
Topics include (perhaps not in this order):
NOTE: There has a been a fair bit of "post coffee chat" discussion on some of these topics that occurred after the coffee chat on Facebook. Check out the Canada MLT Facebook Page to see the various discussions and posts based on the various topics discussed in this video. If you aren't a member of the Canada MLT Facebook page, you should be able to find it here: |
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - March 17, 2023.
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - February 17, 2023
ML Canada Coffee Chat - January 20, 2023
ML Canada Coffee Chat - December 16, 2022
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - November 25, 2022
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - October 21, 2022
Coffee Chats: October 2021 - June 2022
- October 15, 2021 - Aural/Oral
- November 19, 2021 - Verbal Association
- December 17, 2021 - Verbal Association - Part 2 and Partial Synthesis
- January 21, 2022 - Partial Synthesis Part 2
- February 18 - Symbolic Association/Composite Synthesis
- March 18 - Generalization
- April 22 - Creativity and Improvisation
- May 20 - Theoretical Understanding
- June 17 - Online Workshop with Chris Azzara - Part 2
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - May 20, 2022
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - April 22, 2022
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - March 18, 2022
NOTE: if you didn't attend or watch the Symbolic Association Coffee Chat - February 18, it is strongly recommended you view that video before viewing this video (Composite Synthesis). The reason being is to understand how some of the reading resources demonstrated at Composite Synthesis are initially used at the Symbolic Association. |
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - February 18, 2022
Please note we really didn't get to Composite Synthesis, only touched upon it lightly. If interested in seeing a list of Greg's resources, a partial list can be viewed here: |
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - January 21, 2022
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - December 17, 2021
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - November 19, 2021
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - October 15, 2021
Astronaut Chant
Here is a link to the Astronaut Chant that was mentioned in this month's video. ![]()
Coffee Chats: January 2021 - May 2021
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - May 21, 2021
Links to items mentioned in the Coffee Chat
- International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP).
- The Rote Repertoire Project Facebook Page (Started by Anne Katherine Davis - Information shared by Drema)
- To look for the pieces that everyone is pooling in each month, click on the EVENTS tab in the group. You will start to find monthly events such as The May Event. Each month contains a different set of requirements of pieces that we're looking for. This all started in September 2020, so by now there are 9 different categories. To find the Google Excel sheet, just search that in within the group!
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - April 16, 2021
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - March 19, 2021
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - February 19, 2021
MLT Canada Coffee Chat - January 22, 2021