Lessons and Courses
Private Lessons
In-Studio Lessons are offered in:
In-Class and Online Courses
In-Class and Online Courses are offered in:
Private Lessons
All piano lessons are one-on-one instruction.
Lesson lengths range from 45 minutes to two-60 minute lessons per week, depending on the level of study.
Please note that in registering for lessons there are two options. The first option being one lesson per week; while the second and most favorable option is two lessons per week. The two lessons per week has been implemented in the past with great success. As with gymnastics, dance, swimming, hockey and other events, two-weekly lesson will promote greater learning and a stronger musical foundation.
In-Class and Online Courses
In-Class Courses
All courses rely on a course website and will use online resources (e.g. assignments, reviews, and quizzes). Lectures will make use of the multimedia Smart board with class discussion and interaction throughout the class.
Online Courses
Online Courses are web-based. The course website will provide the student with resources, weekly assignments, and online reviews and quizzes.
All online courses require that a student has a basic understanding of how to maneuver around the internet, email, and how to email attachments.
When taking an online course a student should be strong at self-directed studies.
Required Software for ALL online courses (Harmony, History and Pedagogy), in addition to course tuition:
Students must own and have knowledge of use for either Microsoft Word, Open Office, or WordPerfect.
Students will need Adobe Reader (free software) to view pdf files.
Required Software for Online Harmony Courses (in addition to course tuition):
For harmony courses students are required to download:
Finale Reader (free software) - to view and listen to assignments and examples.
Finale Notepad ($9.95 USD) - to notate their written assignments
Required Software for Online History Courses:
For history courses, subscribed external sites are used, however these subscriptions are included in the price of the course tuition.
All courses rely on a course website and will use online resources (e.g. assignments, reviews, and quizzes). Lectures will make use of the multimedia Smart board with class discussion and interaction throughout the class.
Online Courses
Online Courses are web-based. The course website will provide the student with resources, weekly assignments, and online reviews and quizzes.
All online courses require that a student has a basic understanding of how to maneuver around the internet, email, and how to email attachments.
When taking an online course a student should be strong at self-directed studies.
Required Software for ALL online courses (Harmony, History and Pedagogy), in addition to course tuition:
Students must own and have knowledge of use for either Microsoft Word, Open Office, or WordPerfect.
Students will need Adobe Reader (free software) to view pdf files.
Required Software for Online Harmony Courses (in addition to course tuition):
For harmony courses students are required to download:
Finale Reader (free software) - to view and listen to assignments and examples.
Finale Notepad ($9.95 USD) - to notate their written assignments
Required Software for Online History Courses:
For history courses, subscribed external sites are used, however these subscriptions are included in the price of the course tuition.